24 July 2024 - 13.32

Brief Summary: It replaces the heavy industry-based production economy model of the 20th century with the data-centred digital economy model. The basis of existing as a power in the world of the 21st century is a data-based economic model. What is the importance of the level of development in the field of e-Government within the level of development?


New World and Digital Economy

Digital transformation, as one of the most important instruments of our national development move, has an important place among our policy headings that aim to raise our national economy to a more sustainable level.

The transformative effect of globalization on the world economy forces national economies to keep up with this change. This transformation is based not only on technology but also on information and communication technologies; It involves a holistic transformation in the fields of people, business processes and technology.

In this respect, with the transition to the Presidential Government System, the development of inter-institutional cooperation, especially in Cyber ​​Security, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies, the establishment of common infrastructures, the creation of effective decision-making processes based on information, the development of qualified human resources and capacity, and the development of effective The Presidential Digital Transformation Office was established with the aim of implementing an e-Government structure and creating the pillars of the digital economy at the strategic level.

Until yesterday, digitalization policies were focused more on technological infrastructure, but today, new technologies developed and widely used have caused data, as well as infrastructure, to be at the centre of the digital economy as a value. In this respect, the basis for existing as a power in the world of the 21st century is a data-based economic model.

The most important links of the value chain that create this new economic model are the Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, etc. It creates technologies; The new economic model established based on these technologies and data is called digital economy.

When we look at the actors of the digital economy on a global scale, one of the data that best summarizes the picture we encounter is the results of the "World's 500 Most Valuable Brands" - "Global 500" research prepared by the international brand evaluation organization "Brand Finance".

Looking at the results of the "World's 500 Most Valuable Brands 2022", it is seen that the top 10 ranks are mainly technology companies. These companies are valued on intangible assets such as software and data and receive more investments than concrete capital companies, leaving the heavy industry-based production economy model of the 20th century to the data-centred digital economy model.

1- Apple / USA / Technology / 355 billion Dollars

2- Amazon / USA / Retail / 350 billion Dollars

3- Google / USA / Media / 263 billion Dollars

4- Microsoft / USA / Technology / 184.2 billion Dollars

5- Walmart / USA / Retail / 112 billion Dollars

6- Samsung Group / South Korea / Technology / 107.3 billion Dollars

7- Facebook / USA / Media / 101.2 billion Dollars

8- ICBC / China / Banking / 75.1 billion Dollars

9- Huawei / China / Technology / 71.2 billion Dollars

10- Verizon / USA / Telecom / 69.6 billion Dollars


In the list above; When the “World's 500 Most Valuable Brands” are ranked by country; The USA ranks first with 199 companies. The USA is followed by China with 77 companies, Japan with 31 companies, France with 28 companies, Germany with 25 companies and England with 23 companies.

When comparing the countries hosting companies with high brand value and the country rankings in the United Nations e-Government Development Index reports covering 193 countries; A similar picture emerges.

In this respect; It would not be wrong to say that transnational companies, which shape the global economy with the technologies of the 21st century, owe their value to the level of development in the field of e-Government.

So much so that the way for these companies to get a share of the digital economy market is through national investments in the field of e-Government. However, although these investments are made by states, a large part of the added value they produce is transformed into economic value by transnational companies.

In addition, although states and the nations that sustain the states are the real owners of the data that directs the digital economy, those who manage to transform this data into economic value are again transnational companies.

This situation is reflected in the national policies of the countries and forces the states to make new legal regulations in order to distribute the share of the digital economy market fairly. As a matter of fact, many states are working on legal regulations regarding the taxation and control of income obtained through social media tools. However, the fact that data ownership, which was until recently the monopoly of states, is changing hands reduces the sanctioning power of states.

At the same time, the sharing economy, which has begun to replace the capital economy and grows in a decentralized manner, as an instrument of the digital economy, calls into question the tax-based economic models of states.

Cryptocurrencies, which are another argument of the digital economy and are starting to turn into an economic value as an alternative to the global financial system, are also shaping the future of decentralized finance. This situation affects the future of money, which is the strongest bond between the state and its citizens, and causes the redefinition of socio-economic life.

In this new world, the incredible rapid growth of e-commerce, e-payment, social media platforms and applications that mediate the sharing economy has not only made these platforms the main players of the digital economy, but also moved international companies to a supranational position.

This new model, which centres on data, completely changes not only the economy but also sociological life. It redefines many issues such as our habits, ways of socializing and doing business, education, health, privacy, personal rights and freedoms, security and belonging.

In this respect, the most important issue that should not be ignored while keeping up with this change required by the time, especially belonging, rights and freedoms; Our aim should be to contribute to the shaping of this new economic model and to move our country above the level of contemporary civilizations of the 21st century, without losing the values ​​we have had from time immemorial.

Murat Mustafa GENCEL

Business development specialist

E-Government and Information Society Directorate