Software Projects
Software Projects

Our customers' e-Transformation processes are managed with the globally accepted project management approach in PMI standards.


IT Roadmap Service
IT Roadmap Service

It is a service offered to determine strategic goals, then evaluate the current situation and goals and create a short, medium and long-term road map.


Technical Consultancy Services
Technical Consultancy Services

It is a service offered to enable people to realize e-Transformation projects and find solutions to their problems.


Digital Archive System
Digital Archive System

It is a service offered to save time, ease of access and efficiency through archive digitization.


Contact Center
Contact Center

It is a service that provides management of communication centers created to create alternative channels for citizens.


Network and Communications Infrastructure (MPLS VPN) Service
Network and Communications Infrastructure (MPLS VPN) Service

It is the service of providing a closed-circuit communication infrastructure between Information Technology Centers and their end points, independent of the internet environment.


Electronic Identity Verification System (EKDS)
Electronic Identity Verification System (EIVY)

It is a system that enables electronic verification of the ID card with both password and biometric data.
