With TÜRKSAT Geographic Information Technologies (CBT) Brand; Image processing, digital photogrammetry, global positioning, location-based services, mobile (lidar) cartography, geographic data production and geographic programming services are offered using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing technologies.

Geographic Information System Services
With TÜRKSAT Geographic Information Technologies (CBT) Brand; The following services are offered in the field of geographical information systems.
  • Project management
  • Feasibility Study
  • Geographic Data Production
  • System Analysis
  • Geographic Database Design
  • System Operation and Maintenance
  • Geographic Analyses
  • Education
Image Processing Services
With TÜRKSAT Geographic Information Technologies (CBT) Brand; The following services are offered in the field of remote sensing and image acquisition/processing.
  • Generation of Orthoimages
  • Digital Height Model Generation
  • Geometric, Atmospheric, Spectral and Spatial Corrections
  • Image Classification
  • Image Evaluation
  • Detail Extraction
  • Change Analysis Applications

The technical specifications of Göktürk-1, my local and national satellite, are listed in the table.

Orbit680 km, Sun Synchronous
Launch Date/Place05 December 2016, Korou-French Guiana
Main ContractorTelespazio (Italy)
Minimum Duty Life  7 years 3 months
Display Capacity902 images per day (15x15 km frame)
Time to retake the same location

3 days @ 30o Roll  

21 days @ Rare

GSD (Resolution)

Black-White (Panchromatic): 0,5 m

Color (Multispectral): 2 m

Image Width15 km
Shooting ModesDot, Strip, Stereo, Wide Area
Location Accuracy

Horizontal: 10 Meters @ CE90 (Without Ground Control Point)

Vertical: 20 Meters @ LE90 (Without Ground Control Point)

The technical specifications of the PLEAIDES Satellite, owned by the French Airbus company, are listed in the table.

Orbit694 km; synchronous with the sun
Launch Date/Place2 December 2012, European Space Centre, Fransa
Minimum Duty Life10 years
Time to retake the same location

3 days @ 30o Roll

21 days @ Rare

GSD (Resolution)

Black-White (Panchromatic): 0,5 m

Colour 4-Band (Multispectral): 2 m

Image Width20 km

The technical specifications of the GEOEYE-1 Satellite of the United States Maxar Company are listed in the table.

Launch Date/PlaceSeptember 6,2008, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
Orbital Altitude681km
Satellite Lifetime-EstimatedMore than 10 years
Spectral Bands

Black-White (Panchromatic): 0,5 m

Colour 4-Band (Multispectral): 2 m

Local resolution (Pan/MS)0.41m / 1.65m
Radiometric Resolution11bit
Frame Width15.2 km
Repass IntervalLess than 3 days

The technical specifications of the WORLDVIEW-3 Satellite of the United States Maxar Company are included in the table.

Launch Date

Tarih: 8 Ekim, 2009

Fırlatma Aracı: Delta 7920

Fırlatma Alanı: Vandenberg Hava Üssü, Kaliforniya-ABD


Yükseklik: 770 kilometre

Tip: Güneş Senkronizasyonlu

Periyod: 100 dakika

Uydu Ömrü -Tahmini7/25 yıl
Spektral BantlarPankromatik + 8 band Multispektral
Yersel çözünürlük (Pan/MS)

Pankromatik: 0.46 metre GSD (nadir)

Multispectral: 1.84 metre GSD (nadir)

Radyometrik Çözünürlük 11-bit dinamik aralığı
Çerçeve Genişliği16.4 kilometre 
Tek Geçiş sırasında elde edilebilecek maksimum alan65.6 km x 110 km mono (nadir)
Yeniden Geçiş Sıklığı1.1 gün- 1 m. GSD veya daha az 3.7 gün 20° off-nadir veya daha az (0.52 m. GSD)
Lokasyon Doğruluğu(CE90)6.5m CE90 doğruluğu (araziden gelen distorsiyonları katmadan)


The technical specifications of the WORLDVIEW-3 Satellite of the United States Maxar Company are included in the table.

Launch Date13 August 2014

Altitude: 617 km

Type: Sun Synchronized, 1:30 pm 

Period: 97 min


Calculated Term of Office: 7 / 25 years

Estimated Service Period: 10 / 12 years

Sensor Bands

Panchromatic: 450-800 nm

8 Multispectral: (red, near-red, coastal, blue, green, yellow, near-IR1 and near-IR2) 400 nm - 1040 nm 8 SWIR: 1195 nm - 2365 nm

12 CAVIS Bands: (desert clouds, aerosol-1, aerosol-2, aerosol- 3, green, water-1, water-2, water-3, NDVI-SWIR, cirrus, cloud) 405 nm - 2245 nm

Sensor Resolution (or Local Sampling Range)

Panchromatic (Rare): 0.31 m GSD Rare - 0.34 m 20° Off-Rare

Multispectral (Rare): 1.24 m Rare, 1.38 m 20° Off-Rare

SWIR Rare: 3.70 m Rare, 4.10 m 20° Off-Rare

CAVIS Nadir: 30.00 m

Dynamic Range11-bit  Pan ve MS; 14-bit SWIR
Frame Width13.1 km (Rare)
Max. in Single Pass. Continuous Shooting area (30 degree off-nadir angle)

Mono: 66.5 km x 112 km (5 strips)

Stereo: 26.6 km x 112 km (2 pairs)

Location Accuracy (CE90)Performans <3.5 m CE90 (yer kontrol noktası olmadan)
Capacity680,000 km2 daily footage




The technical specifications of the WORLDVIEW-4 Satellite of the United States Maxar Company are included in the table.

Sensor Bands


4 Multispectral

Orbit Altitude617 km
Satellite Lifetime12 years
Sensor Resolution (or Local Sampling Range)

Panchromatic (Rare)  0.31 m

Multispectral (Rare) 1,24 m

Frame Width13.1 km rare
Off-Rare Views

Nomina  +/- 45 degrees (off-rare) 

Optional Higher Angles are also available.

Dynamic Range11-bit  (Pan ve MS)
Location Accuracy(CE90)<4 m CE90 (without ground control point)
Capacity680,000 km2 per day
Environment and Urbanism
  • Creation of urban atlases
  • Determination of environmental pollution
  • Identifying illegal construction
  • Determination of land cover and use
  • Monitoring changes over time
  • New residential areas, roads, bicycle paths, green areas, industrial zones, etc. planning
  • Protection of historical tourist places and protected areas
  • Determination of river, lake and sea pollution
  • Determination of coastlines
  • Earth surface deformation detection
  • Underlay image requirement
  • Determining the diversity of agricultural products
  • Monitoring the phenological development of agricultural products
  • The emergence of water stress in plants
  • Detection of plant diseases
  • Management of agricultural insurance (drought, disease)
  • Planned agricultural management
  • Detection of illegal agricultural areas
  • Yield and productivity estimates
  • Determination of land cover and use
  • Determination of forest types
  • Production of forest stand maps
  • Disease detection
  • Forest fire damage assessment
  • Tracking desertification
Maritime and Coastal Management
  • Shoreline monitoring
  • Detection of marine vehicles
  • Ship waste monitoring
  • Marine pollution monitoring
  • Sea surface temperature distribution calculation
  • Water resources management
  • Determining sea surface temperature distribution
  • Water pollution detection and monitoring
Disaster Management
  • Detection before and after disaster
  • Earthquake damage analysis
  • Flood and inundation monitoring
  • Monitoring and damage assessment of forest fires