
The 3rd Izmir SMEs and Informatics Congress, organized by the Turkish Informatics Association, was held in Izmir on April 15, 2022.

The congress, which was held with the main theme of "Cooperation as the Foundation of Transformation", continued with panels covering the digital and green transformation of SMEs.

Türksat Bilişim R&D and Technology Director Emrecan Sezen spoke at the session titled "Opportunities Created by Digital Technologies". Sezen made important observations on the adaptation of our country to new technologies, developments in the field of data centers and cloud computing, the importance of cyber security for SMEs, the business opportunities that internet of things technology will create for SMEs, prominent developments about the metaverse that has just entered our lives, and the human-oriented technology approach. and made suggestions.

The day-long event ended with a certificate of appreciation given to the panelists and a souvenir photo.