With Türksat’s contributions, Openstack Days Istanbul was organized with the slogan “Cloud Redefined” in mind, at the Istanbul Bomonti Hotel on May 31 2016.
Turksat’s Vice President, Dr. Halil Yeşilçimen as well as representatives from Openstack’s national and international stakeholders, HP, Extreme Networks, Juniper Networks, Red Hat, NetApp, Suse, SkyAtlas, Cloud Software TÜBİTAK Bilgem, TÜBİTAK Ulakbim were in attendance.
At the event key representatives from Openstack, Jonathan Proulx and Jonathan Bryce attended as speakers, to discuss topics like “cloud” “cloud security” and “tomorrow’s cloud” with many other specialists from the banking, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing and service sectors.
Türksat’s Information Ar-Ge (Research and Development) and Technology Director, Tevfik Köksal presented on the topic “Türksat’s Approach to Cloud Computing.” During his presentation he gave participants information regarding the technological infrastructure and specifications of the Openstack based project “SatCloud.”
During his closing statement, Vice President Dr. Yeşilçimen congratulated the organization officials and made note of his desire for Openstack’s main event “Openstack Summit” to take place in Turkey.
Great interest was shown towards Turksat’s stand, where the Information Ar-Ge (Research and Development) and Technology Directorate workers presented information regarding the “SatCloud” and “Dosya Türksat” projects, which they aided in developing. Visitors’ questions were answered by the project specialist.