24 July 2024 - 12.13
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Brief Summary: Is it a nuisance for citizens or an indispensable system for every city? Does EDS serve any purpose other than annoying us citizens in the cities where it is installed? Does traffic optimization really contribute to reducing traffic accidents or improving urban life within standards?

Electronic Supervision System

Is it a nuisance for citizens or an indispensable system for every city?

Let's start our article by explaining what the Electronic Surveillance System (EDS) is. EDS are systems that enable continuous monitoring of traffic rule violations and detection of rule violations with today's technologies such as sensors, cameras, image processing and various software components.

There are studies showing that the majority of accidents are caused by driver errors. These systems, which are widely installed within the scope of Smart City and Smart Transportation Applications; It is effective in easily monitoring and preventing common driver errors such as excessive speed, dangerous driving, safety lane violation, red light violation, and also provides benefits such as ensuring city and road safety.

Today, the regions where EDS will be established are determined by the commissions formed with the participation of different stakeholders in accordance with the traffic law no. 2918, by determining the points where accidents and traffic problems occur most. On the routes and points created, efforts are made to inform drivers about the system, such as overhead warning signs, roadside signs and road painting. Systems are subject to compliance and periodic inspections by the Turkish Standards Institute. Finally, the system is put into operation after it is inspected by the General Directorate of Security and compliance is given.

Main areas of use of EDS:

  • Corridor Speed ​​Violation Detection System (Average Speed ​​Violation Detection System – OHTS): It is a system that determines the average speed of vehicles passing through corridors created on specified routes. With automatic license plate recognition system technology, vehicle license plates are recorded with satellite time at corridor entry and exit points.

  • Red Light Violation Detection System (KİTS): In this system, cameras detect and photograph vehicles passing when the red light is on (violating the red light) at signalized intersections. These photographs are transferred to the relevant centres and criminal proceedings are initiated.

  • Parking Violation Detection System In areas where there is a parking ban, such as areas with heavy traffic flow, emergency transportation networks and preferential bus routes, vehicles violating this ban are monitored 24/7 via cameras, and criminal action is taken against drivers who violate this law.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are also systems such as Safety Lane Violation Detection System, Pedestrian Road Violation Detection System, Wrong Direction Violation Detection System, Tramway Violation Detection System.

So, does EDS serve any purpose other than annoying us citizens in the cities where it is installed? Does traffic optimization really contribute to reducing traffic accidents or improving urban life within standards?

Drivers' driving above the speed limit and at excessive speed is one of the most important parameters affecting traffic accidents. Drivers traveling at high speeds, especially on urban and intercity roads, cause many accidents resulting in death or injury. In the report prepared on this subject in 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that more than half of the approximately 1.35 million fatal accidents occurring worldwide were caused by vehicles going above the speed limit; He drew attention to the impact of excessive speed on accidents. At high speeds, drivers' perception and reaction time to environmental factors decreases, which increases the likelihood of an accident. Although this is clear information known to almost all drivers, many drivers continue to drive fast in traffic.

According to the data obtained, after the establishment of EDS, there are significant decreases in fatal traffic accidents and traffic accidents with injuries. Observations made as a result of the installation of these systems in Scotland in 2005 showed that there was a 19% reduction in the number of all accidents, a 46% reduction in fatal accidents and a 37% reduction in injury accidents. In a different study conducted in Italy, the impact of average speed detection systems installed on an 80 km long corridor on safety was investigated and for this purpose, experimental Bayesian observations and before and after prediction studies were carried out. From the estimation of the observation data obtained, it was predicted that there would be a 31.2% decrease in total accidents. In addition, as a result of the study, it was concluded that the effect after the first installation of the system was greater than the effect in later periods.

In another study conducted in 2015, it was concluded that the corridor average speed violation detection systems installed in Naples / Italy reduced the speed of light vehicles and heavy vehicles above 20 km/h by 84% and 77%, respectively. This result shows that average speed detection systems have managed to significantly reduce the difference in vehicle speeds moving in a corridor. According to research, it has been observed that on roads with EDS, the traffic flow becomes homogeneous as drivers move at speeds close to the speed limit, which positively affects traffic density and reduces travel times.

Studies on the benefits of EDSs also include regulating speeds, reducing the number of accidents, etc. In addition to the benefits, these systems greatly reduce the workload of police officers; It has been concluded that it naturally has a positive contribution to the processing time as it shortens the penalty issuance and notification period.

It is an undeniable fact today that EDS reduces the number of fatal and injured traffic accidents in the city where it is located. This is an indescribable contribution to human life and urban life. After all, which individual reading this article is not afraid that one day their phone will ring with sad news? However, in addition to this great contribution, it also has some side effects. Compulsory Traffic Insurance and vehicle insurance prices vary depending on the accident rates in the cities. Higher prices are charged in provinces with a higher probability of accidents, and lower prices are charged in districts with less traffic density and risk. It is seen that these prices are decreasing in cities with EDS.

EDS systems are one of the penalty-based systems that have been experienced in our country in the past and caused a reaction from citizens, giving priority to transportation and city security, providing modern and safe traffic flow by informing the drivers appropriately, reducing the loss of life and property to the maximum extent, contributing to civil defence, the environment and emission rates. transforms into existing systems.

As a result, when EDS is designed correctly, it has proven that it is not only a system established for the purpose of fining us citizens, but also an effective system for both city security and traffic safety.

As TURKSAT, we directly follow these studies in the new period and take part in the studies carried out towards the development of the systems.

In addition to its wide range of services in the field of TURKSAT Satellite, Cable and IT, with its competent staff and public experience in applications for Smart Solutions, Smart Urbanization and Smart Transportation Systems, it provides key services to public institutions with technical consultancy, solution architecture, software, system and field integrations. delivers professional project management services.

Burak Korkmaz
Project manager
IT Business Development and Project Management Directorate