24 July 2024 - 13.34
Akıllı Çözümler

Brief Summary: Image processing, one of the most talked about concepts in technology lately, is one of the most critical components in Intelligent Transportation systems. Image processing technology is actively used in almost all sectors. So, let's take a look at the current applications and future predictions of image processing technology within the scope of intelligent transportation systems.




Using Image Processing in Intelligent Transportation Systems

One of the most talked about concepts in technology lately is that image processing is one of the most critical components in Intelligent Transportation systems.

First of all, it is necessary to explain Intelligent Transportation Systems. Today, traffic congestion, accidents and loss of life and property due to accidents are one of the biggest problems in transportation.

According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, the total number of vehicles registered to traffic in 2021 is 25 million 249 thousand 119. Compared to 2020, the number of vehicles registered in traffic increased by 11 percent, resulting in an increase of 1 million 110 thousand 241 in the total number of vehicles in traffic in 2021. According to these statistics, 3 new vehicles per day join Türkiye's transportation.

According to these statistics, the needs in the transportation sector will continue to increase in the future. In order to meet these needs, it is necessary to benefit from all the opportunities of technology and innovation. The idea of ​​Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has emerged to benefit from all the possibilities of technology in transportation.

Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri (AUS) - Haberleşme Genel Müdürlüğü

So what is AUS? Monitoring, measurement, analysis and control mechanisms with versatile data exchange between users, vehicles, infrastructure and the centre developed for purposes such as reducing travel times, increasing traffic safety, efficient use of existing road capacities, increasing mobility, efficient use of energy and reducing damage to the environment. are information and communication-based systems.

According to the definition above, we can group ITS applications under many subheadings. We can talk about smart roads, smart vehicles and, accordingly, smart cities. We can increase these examples as technology comes into play.

In sectors related to ITS, especially transportation; It directly affects sectors such as health, environment, energy, automotive, informatics and industry. For example, it is seen that many applications have been developed for mapping and traffic density in the IT sector.

Today, I think that image processing technologies should be used actively within the scope of ITS. In this article, I would like to talk about how image processing technology is used today and future applications within the scope of ITS.

What is Image Processing? It is the process of reading live or recorded electronic (digital) image data in an electronic environment, changing it, obtaining information and converting this information into meaningful data.

Image processing, as mentioned above, is the process of processing the image and converting it into meaningful data. This technology is actively used in almost all sectors. When we look at it on a sectoral basis, it is used in many areas such as Medicine, Military, Security, Incident Detection, Traffic, Industry, Agriculture, Astronomy, Environment and Geodesy.


On the ITS side, it is seen that image processing technology, Traffic, Security and Incident Detection Systems are used very actively.

ASR Teknoloji/Elektronik Denetleme Sistemi | ASR Teknoloji | Öncü Güvenlik  Sistemleri İç Anadolu Bölge Müdürlüğü

We can list traffic applications with image processing technology as follows.

  • Traffic Information: Traffic flow information, Traffic density, Average speed, Vehicle count, Vehicle classification, Following distance, Travel Time, Occupation Time

  • License Plate Recognition Systems: Electronic Control System, Stolen vehicle, Wanted vehicle, Vehicle banned from traffic, Vehicle with unpaid traffic insurance

  • Incident Detection Systems: Stationary Vehicle, Wrong Direction Vehicle, Pedestrian Detection, Smoke Detection, Flame Detection, Traffic Congestion, Sudden Speed ​​Decrease, Overspeed Vehicle, Extremely Slow Vehicle, Object Detection, Foreign Object Detection

  • Security: Many operations needed in traffic such as object tracking, motion detection, face recognition are performed. It continues to be developed.


I tried to briefly explain above the usage areas of image processing technology within the scope of ITS. Of course, are these usage areas at a sufficient level? Since technology has no limits, innovation studies on usage areas continue.

I would like to share the current applications of image processing technology within the scope of ITS and my future predictions.

Traffic Density, Traffic data: Nowadays, traffic density is generally detected through sensors. The input and output of sensors vary depending on environmental conditions. The accuracy rate decreases under certain conditions. However, when image processing technology is used, different operating scenarios may occur.

Signalling Control: Signalling control is currently either manually timed or dynamically controlled via loop sensors. In the future, with image processing technology, the control of the intersection may be left entirely to image processing technology, depending on the density of the intersection.

Weather: Weather information can be detected with this technology other than air route sensors.

Event Detection: In case of an accident or fire, an alarm can be automatically generated to the operator and the situation can be informed in a short time.

Traffic forwarding: Depending on the traffic density, vehicles can be directed to routes without traffic and information can be provided.

Car Parking Occupied and Empty Systems: Using image processing-based software, occupancy and vacancy levels in car parks can be determined.

We can increase these samples according to the performance and features of the image processing software. In fact, image processing technology means an eye that monitors, interprets, and ultimately transforms these outputs into meaningful data for us 24/7. Therefore, there is no limit to what we can do with image processing technology within the scope of ITS. We can use this technology to replace the decision mechanisms of all the sensors we use.


Yunus Emre AKSOY / Project Manager

IT Business Development and Project Management Directorate