
“Digitalization of Water Resources” signed between the General Directorate of Water Management and Türksat on December 14, 2017; The Closing Meeting of the "Project for Preparation of Monitoring Programs by Conducting Typology, Mass and Risk Studies" was held on November 3, 2021 at Anadolu Downtown Hotel.

The opening speeches of the meeting were made by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Akif Özkaldı, General Director of Mapping Brigadier General Hurşit Ağırcan and General Director of Water Management Bilal Dikmen. At the meeting attended by officials from the project stakeholder institutions, the speakers expressed their gratitude to TÜRKSAT for their roles in the project.

TÜRKSAT Deputy General Manager Ahmet Savaş, Geographic Information Technologies Director Serdar Küpcü and Project Managers A. Onur Mutlu and Esin Gönencan attended the meeting on behalf of TÜRKSAT. SYGM Working Group Responsible Ozan Soytürk, in his presentation, stated that with the digital water resources data obtained by the project, monitoring the quantity and quality of all surface waters throughout the country, making central and local planning and producing statistical data are accurate, effective and up-to-date through an established geographically based information system. He stated that viewing, querying and reporting of historical data is provided.